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SEM Holds 2012 Orientation Ceremony of Postgraduate Program

Tue, Sep 11, 2012

On the afternoon of September 4th, 2012 Orientation Ceremony of Postgraduate Program was held in Rm 224, Administrative South Building, Jiading Campus. Dr. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM, Dr. RUAN Qingsong and Dr. HAN Chuanfeng, Deputy Deans of SEM, and SEM staff, faculty representatives and all postgraduate freshmen and PhD candidates participated in the event.

The event was hosted by Deputy Dean RUAN. Dean HUO, on behalf of SEM, first warmly welcomed the students and introduced the development and features of SEM. Deputy Dean RUAN, connecting with his personal experience, taught a vivid practical lesson to the graduates. He encouraged the students to better organize their study time and make study plan. 2011 postgraduate representative gave their suggestion to the freshmen. After the ceremony, postgraduates and their supervisor continued their conversation about the coming semester.

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