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Dean of WHU Visits Tongji-SEM

Wed, Nov 14, 2012

On November 14th, Prof. Dr. Michael Frenkel, the Dean of WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management visited our school. On behalf of Tongji SEM, Prof. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM, presented at the meeting and warmly welcomed the guests. The two parties briefly introduced each others’ recent development and explored various collaborative possibilities. After the meeting, accompanied by Prof. HUO, the guests visited the facilities in Yuntong Building and Tongji Block A Building.

WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management is a German business school and is EQUIS and AACSB certified. Patron and main financier of the business school is the billionaire and founder of the METRO Cash & Carry Group, Otto Beisheim. The University was ranked best Business School in Germany by Spiegel in a survey 2006. It also ranked first in percentage of Alumni earning over $80,000 a year in Germany. 2011, WHU was ranked 20th in the European business school rankings by the Financial Times and its Master in Management was ranked 6th globally in the overall rankings by the Financial Times.

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