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Signing Ceremony of Collaboration on Strategic Planning of Shanghai Smart City

Wed, Dec 12, 2012

 On the 10th of December, 2012, agreement of collaboration on strategic planning of Shanghai Smart City was signed between SEM-Tongji and Shanghai Urban Planning Design Institute. The collaboration aims to promote the interdisciplinary research of “Smart-cities”, and to realize the sustainable development of the cities by use of information technology and knowledge integration.


The agreement was officially signed by Dr. WANG Guangbin, Deputy Dean of SEM-Tongjji and Mr. ZHANG Yuxin, Dean of Shanghai Urban Planning Design Institute. The invited guests included Prof. CHEN Xiaolong, Vice President of Tongji University, Prof. HE Pengfei from Science and Technology Office, Prof. SHI Qian, Assistant Dean of SEM, Prof. MA Guofeng, Deputy Chair of Department of Construction Management and Real Estate, and leaders and experts from Shanghai Urban Planning Design Institute. Foreign guests joined the ceremony were Prof. Kristen Day, Former President of American Environment Design Institute and Prof. WANG Jie, Stanford University. 

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