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SEM Awarded EQUIS Accreditation for its Excellent Management Education

Tue, Mar 19, 2013

In the recent European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) Meeting held in the EFMD headquarter of Brussels, Belgium, SEM has been successfully awarded EQUIS accreditation. This symbolizes that SEM’s quality of management education has reached the world standards and will further improve SEM’s position and influence in global competition.

It is the second time for SEM to be recognized by top international accreditation institutions in management education since 2011 when SEM was awarded AMBA for its MBA and EMBA programs on Jul. 26th. As of March 2013, 142 business schools from 39 countries have been awarded EQUIS. Prof. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of Tongji SEM, says:” EQUIS accreditation is an effective catalyzer for the globalization of business schools. The accreditation of Tongji SEM is a great milestone on its expedition to world class business school for building a sustainable society.”

For more information, please refer to the latest newsletter released by EFMD: https://www.efmd.org/index.php/blog/view/180-efmd-awards-equis-accreditation-to-the-schulich-school-of-business.

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