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Research Projects of SEM Faculties Funded by 2013 Shanghai Science and Innovation Plan

Fri, Jun 21, 2013

 On the 20th of June, 2013, the key soft science research projects list funded by “Shanghai Science and Innovation Plan” was released by Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (STCSM). The key soft science research projects sponsored comprises of two kinds as Proposition Projects and Optional Projects. (1) Proposition Projects are Public Tender Topics of Shanghai Municipality. Totally 27 research projects have been funded, in which three projects are chaired by Tongji SEM faculties, namely, YOU Jianxin, ZHOU Wenyong and CHEN Qiang; (2) Optional Projects are research projects proposed by researchers. Totally 50 research projects have been sponsored, in which four projects are hosted by Tongji faculties, and 2 are chaired by faculties of SEM, namely LI Haiying and LI Qinghai.

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