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Dean of Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management Visits SEM

Fri, Oct 25, 2013


On Oct 24th, 2013, Prof. Bruno VAN POTTELSBERGHE, Dean of Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (hereinafter referred to as Solvay), Université libre de Bruxelles visits SEM. Prof. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM presented at the meeting and held deep discussion on the QTEM program founded by Solvay.
QTEM is initials of “Quantitative Techniques For Economics and Management”, a certificate program focusing on developing outstanding postgraduates’ skills in analytical and quantitative techniques to support decision-making in a global context. Business schools within the QTEM network will select top students to finish overseas semesters and quantitative internship and complete 50 ECTS of top quantitative courses before awarding the certificate. Schools in the network will have close collaboration with multinational corporate partners in internships, course design, and talents pool. QTEM targets to include 36 schools of economics and management worldwide to form a top network.
Solvay has international accreditation of AMBA and EQUIS. It is ranked top 50 in European business schools by Financial Times. In Dec, 2012, a student exchange program has been established between SEM and Solvay. Both schools has started sending students mutually.


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