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1964 Alumni from Construction Industry Economy and Organization Back to their Mother School

Fri, Oct 24, 2014


On Oct. 11, 2014, a group of elder alumni who have been graduated for 50 years came back to their mother school and happened to join the team of celebrating the 30th anniversary of School of Economics and Management, Tongji University (hereinafter referred to as Tongji SEM). Half a century ago, they graduated from Department of Architectural Engineering and Construction Industry Economy and Organization of Tongji University. There are altogether 29 alumni joining this back-to-school activity. In the morning, Prof. CHEN Shouming Deputy Dean of Tongji SEM, Dr. CHENG Guoping Dean Assistant, alumni and Director of Corporate Relationship Office gathered together with the old alumni in Tongji Building Block A for Tongji SEM 30th Anniversary Forum. Prof. CHEN Shouming made a report about the latest development of Tongji SEM to the old alumni and extended his heartfelt greetings and respect to them for their decades of contribution to China’s development. Dr. CHENG Guoping introduced the development of Tongji SEM Alumni Association and invited them to come back again in 2019 when is the 60th Graduation Anniversary. 

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