Home > By Name > Danyang Du
Danyang Du
Danyang Du

Assistant Professor, Advanced Institute of Business

+86 021 65983092



Work-home interface, Work stress, Occupational Health Psychology, Organizational behaviors

Ph.D.  Erasmus University Rotterdam, Work and Organizational Psychology, 2014-2018

M.A.    Peking University, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2011-2014

B.S.     Jilin University, Psychology, 2007-2011

Dec. 2018 ~ present, Assistant Professor, Advanced Institute of Business (AIB), Tongji University

Refereed Journal Publications (Chronological, alphabetical)

  • Du, D., Arnold B. Bakker, Daantje Derks, (2020)“Capitalization on Positive Family Events and Task Performance: A Perspective from the Work-Home Resources Model” Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 25(5), 357–367. 2020
  • Bakker, A. B., Du, D., & Derks, D. (2019). Major life events in family life, work engagement, and performance: A test of the work-home resources model. International Journal of Stress Management, 26, 238-249.
  • Du, D., Derks, D., Bakker, A. B. & Lu, C. (2018). Does homesickness undermine the potential of job resources? A perspective from the work–home resources model. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39, 96-112.
  • Du, D., Derks, D., & Bakker, A. B. (2018). Daily spillover from family to work: A test of the work–home resources model. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 23, 237-247.
  • Lu, C., Du, D., Xu, X., & Zhang, R. (2017). Revisiting the relationship between job demands and job performance: The effects of job security and traditionality. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 90, 28-50.
  • Lu, C., Du, D., & Xu, X. (2016). What differentiates employees' job performance under stressful situations: The Role of general self-efficacy. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 150, 837-848.
  • Lu, C., Sun, J., & Du, D. (2016). The Relationships between employability and emotional exhaustion, turnover intention: The moderation of perceived career opportunity. Journal of Career Development, 43, 37-51.
  • Lu, C., Lu, J., Du, D., & Brough, P. (2016). The crossover effects of work-family conflict among Chinese couples: The role of family identity salience. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 31, 235-250.
  • Lu, C., Wang, B., Siu, O., Lu, L., & Du, D. (2015). Work-home interference and work values in Greater China. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30, 801-814.
  • Lu, C., Wang, H., Lu, J., Du, D., & Bakker, A. B. (2014). Does work engagement increase person-job fit? The role of job crafting and job insecurity. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 84, 142-152.

Refereed Conference Proceedings

  • Xu, X., Lu, C., Du, D., & Johnson, R.E. (2018). Justice change matters: Approach and avoidance mechanisms in the self-regulation process. Academy of Management Proceedings, (1), 14085.


  • Du, D., Lu, C., & Xu, X. (2019). Job insecurity and its outcomes: The joint roles of justice and self-uncertainty. Presentation at Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Boston.
  • Du, D., Derks, D., & Bakker, A. B. (2019). Introducing a process view of the work-home interface: A series of tests of the Work-Home Resources (W-HR) Model. Symposium presentation at European Association for Work & Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Congress, Turin.
  • Du, D., Derks, D., & Bakker, A. B. (2017). The link between positive family events and work behaviors: A test of the work-home resources model. Symposium presentation at European Association for Work & Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Congress, Dublin.
  • Du, D., Derks, D., & Bakker, A. B. (2016). Daily spillover from family to work: A test of the work–home resources model. Presentation at Conference of the Dutch Association for Work and Organizational Psychology Researchers (WAOP), Rotterdam.
  • Du, D., & Lu, C. (2015). Does job insecurity always lead to employees' absence and turnover? Overall organizational justice as a moderator. Presentation at European Association for Work & Organizational Psychology Congress (EAWOP), Oslo.
  • Du, D., & Lu, C. (2014). Job insecurity and organizational citizen behavior, counterproductive work behavior: The moderating role of overall justice and perceived insider status. Presentation at International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference, Beijing.
  • Du, D., & Lu, C. (2014). Challenge-hindrance stressors and performance: The moderation of self-efficacy. Poster presented at Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference, Hawaii.

Research Grant

  • 家庭关系影响工作投入的作用机制及应对策略研究,supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 1/2020-12/2022.
  • 基于工作-家庭视角下提升员工工作投入的研究,supported by Shanghai Pujiang Talent Progam,11/2019~10/2021.
  • 工作-家庭互动对工作投入的影响:基于关系能量视角的研究,上海市晨光计划,主持人:杜丹阳,2021.1.1~2023.12.31

Reviewing Experiences

  • Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
  • Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
  • Journal of Personnel Psychology
  • Career Development International
  • Best Paper Award (2013), National Conference of Industrial Psychology, Hangzhou.
  • Graduate School Award for PhD Excellence (Best Article 2017), Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities, Rotterdam.
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