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Lecture: British Municipal Projects Management

Wed, Nov 25, 2015




Lecture topic: British Municipal Projects Management

Speaker Christopher J. Chivers FCIOB, FRICS, FFB, ACIArb

Originally from a surveying background, Chris Chivers is – Director of Greylough Ltd., specialising in problem solving where over 35 years’ experience in the construction industry provides clients with effective solutions. Chris was Chief Executive of Killby & Gayford Group Limited for 17 years, during which he oversaw a number of landmark projects, not least of which were refurbishment works in Buckingham Palace, Downing St and St Paul’s Cathedral and ultimately responsible for considerable roll out programmes for banking clients as NatWest, Barclays, Halifax and LloydsTSB. He personally ensured the implementation of the Company Health & Safety, Training and Operational Procedures.From 2010 -2012 Chris was Chairperson of the UKCG Training Committee. Currently, he is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Joiners and Ceilers (Carvers) sitting on the Craft Committee promoting joinery excellence.

Time: 14:30-16:30 December 4th (Friday)

Venue: Classroom 201, School of Economic and Management, Tongji University

(Tongji Building A, Siping Road 1500, SHANGHAI)

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