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Postgraduate Research in Business and Management: Rigour and Relevance at AMBS

Thu, Dec 05, 2019

Time:18:00-19:30, Dec 5th

Venue:room 309, Tongji Building A

Speaker:Prof. Fiona Devine, Dean, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester

Abstract:As a top research intensive Business School, AMBS has a responsibility to create the next generation of scholars who will join other top Business Schools in the future. This responsibility is often referred to as ‘capacity building’ so that business and management research and education remains vibrant and strong. Moreover, top researchers place a high value on PhD students, their supervision and success. PhD students are very much part of the research culture of a top School, working alongside their supervisors on related projects or introducing them to new areas of research. In this talk, I will describe AMBS, its structure and organisation, make references to some of our top researchers and clusters of excellence in research institutes, centres and networks and how we supervise students to ensure success in their chosen field.

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