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SEM’s students went to Centrin Wealth for a corporate visit

Fri, Mar 24, 2023

On the afternoon of March 17,2023, more than 60 students and teachers went to the North Bund Sales Office of CICC under the guidance of our Career Development Center for a corporate visit. The visit class was mainly divided into three sessions: macro market research and asset allocation concept sharing, brokerage firm career sharing and roundtable discussion, and group photo taking.

In the sharing session, the senior manager of product and solution of CICC Wealth shared the outlook of 2023 economic situation from the perspective of macroeconomic market. He mainly discussed the current rebounding economic situation, the changing trend of equity market and the challenges faced by investors. He presented the insights of wealth management and investment from the perspective of wealth managers, and also introduced the management practice of CICC Wealth to everyone. In the subsequent Q&A session, some students asked “how should we as college students lay a good foundation for entering the financial field”, and Manager Xu believed that the most basic thing is to have solid theoretical knowledge, on this basis, studentscan further improve by reading more research reports, practicing research report writing, and through the simulation of investment scenarios.

In the career sharing and roundtable discussion session of the brokerage industry, the head of human resources of Centrin Wealth East China gave a detailed introduction of Centrin and Centrin Wealth, including the company’s background, corporate culture, recruitment and career development. In the subsequent roundtable discussion, investment consultants from CICC Wealth, together with the head of HR and the head of wealth management team, had a face-to-face Q&A session with the students. The students actively and enthusiastically asked questions from different perspectives, such as employment choice, career development and professional fields, and received attentive and in-depth answers from the guests, which benefited them greatly.

X Thank you for your interest in Master of Global Management, Tongji University!