Home > By Name > Research Fellow > WANG Mengmeng
WANG Mengmeng
WANG Mengmeng

Research Assistant Professor

Advanced Institute of Business


Research Interest:

Consumer Product Returns, Retail Operations, Consumer Purchase/Click Behavior, Service Provider Behavior

2016.9~2022.8 PhD in Management Science and Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2019.9~2020.9 Visiting Doctoral Student in Operations Management at Florida State University

2012.9~2015.6 MA in Management Science and Engineering at Tongji University

2008.9~2012.6 BS in Logistics Management at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

2022.8~2024.5, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2024.6~Present, Research Assistant, Advanced Institute of Business, Tongji University

Research Papers

  • Xiaojing Feng, Ying Rong, Xin Tian, Mengmeng Wang, Oliver Yao. (2024). The Dark Side of Live Social Interaction in E-commerce: An Analysis of Product Returns of Livestream Purchase. Production and Operations Management, online. (Corresponding author, alphabetical order)
  • Mengmeng Wang, Guangzhi Shang, Ying Rong, Michael R. Galbreth. (2024). Order Basket Contents and Consumer Returns. Decision Sciences, online.
  • Mengmeng Wang, Xun Zhang, Xiaolong Li. (2023). Product Assortment under Multiple-purchase Behavior. International Journal of Production Economics, 265, 109010.
  • Xiaojing Feng, Mengmeng Wang. (2023). Strategic driver’s acceptance-or-rejection behavior and cognitive hierarchy in on-demand platforms. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 176, 103175. (Corresponding author)
  • Mengmeng Wang, Xiaojing Feng. (2022). Price squeeze under fairness: the road to supply chain coordination with a powerful retailer. Journal of Management Analytics, 9(4), 448-479.
  • Xiaohui Liu, Xiaoyu He, Mengmeng Wang, Huizhang Shen. (2022). What influences patients' continuance intention to use AI-powered service robots at hospitals? The role of individual characteristics. Technology in Society, 70, 101996. (Corresponding author)

Working Papers

  • Mengmeng Wang, Guangzhi Shang, Ying Rong, Xiaojing Feng, Cheng Fang. (2023). Revisiting the Impact of Package Delivery Speed on Product Returns: Nonlinearity and Customer Heterogeneity. Major in Journal of Operations Management.
  • Mengmeng Wang, Qianchao Liu, Ying Rong, Xin Tian. (2023). The Effect of Mobile Payment Promotion on Store Performance. Major revision in Journal of Management Sciences in China (管理科学学报).
  • Zhenyu Ho, Ying Rong, Mengmeng Wang. Do taxi drivers really take a detour? An evidence from the taxi GPS records data. Working in progress.

Teaching Assistant

  • Applied Business Modeling (Graduate Elective)

Fall, 2023, co-developed the course content on causal inference with Professor Ying Rong.

Fall, 2022, delivered two lectures on the causal inference methods.

Fall, 2021, delivered two lectures on the causal inference methods.

Fall, 2018, delivered one lecture on the causal inference methods.

  • Operations Management (MBA Core)

Spring, 2022, hosted a class game-based teaching activity

Spring, 2021, hosted a class game-based teaching activity

Spring, 2019, hosted a class game-based teaching activity

Spring, 2018, hosted a class game-based teaching activity

  • Data, Models, and Decisions (MBA Core)

Fall, 2017, Won the recognition of “Outstanding Teaching Assistant” at the school level

X Thank you for your interest in Master of Global Management, Tongji University!