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IEDP Open-enrollment: Making Sense of Financial Matters

Tue, Aug 20, 2013


Making Sense of Financial Matters
Finance for non-financiers
What you can expect
The Workshop provides participants with an insight into and an understanding of the nature, role and operation of the financial process within organisations. As such, it provides the requisite knowledge, understanding and skills to facilitate improved financial performance, better cost management, improved planning and budgeting, and more effective financial decision making, linking such decision making to competitive advantage
This Workshop considers:
·        Core external financial reporting statements and their roles in reporting and decision making (day 1);
·        Financial frameworks for measurement and valuation (day 1);
·        Using financial ratios to interpret financial performance (day 1);
·        Cost management: the challenge of measuring costs through full costing (day 2);
·        Costing for a competitive environment: using ABC (day 2);
·        Contribution and marginal costing for decision making (day 2);
·        Relevant costs for decision making (day 2);
·        Applying budgetary principles for effective planning and control (day 2);
·        Investment appraisal for longer term decision making (day 3);
·        Business valuation and shareholder value (day 3);
This Workshop provides participants with an understanding of finance and enables them to respond to the on-going changes in the business world. These changes have resulted in a need for managers to acquire core financial understanding. The Workshop gives a broad introduction to and overview of the nature and process of financial accounting, management accounting and financial management at both the macro corporate and micro operational levels.
Specifically, the intended outcomes are to:
·        understand the purpose and applications of accounting and financial processes;
·        understand the purpose, and construction of external reporting financial statements;
·        understand the financial frameworks applied in the calculation of financial information figures;
·        be able interpret financial performance through ratios, identify areas for improvement, and explore approaches to improvement;
·        be able to identify and understand issues in establishing the full cost of products, services and activities, and link such issues to cost management and improved decision making;
·        recognise the limitations of full costing for decision making;
·        understand and use contribution and marginal costing principles to make decisions;
·        understand apply the idea of relevant costs to improve decision making;
·        improve budgetary planning and make sense of variances from budget;
·        understand apply investment appraisal techniques, including payback, net present value, internal rate of return, and sensitivity analysis;
·        understand the nature and utility of free cash flow;
·        understand the nature of shareholder value and techniques utilised in its calculation, including shareholder value analysis and economic value added;
·        be able to apply a range of techniques to business valuation.
Who can benefit most
This three day Workshop is for managers who are interested in gaining an understanding of the process of financial accounting, management accounting and financial management in the contexts of improving financial decision making, better cost management, and effective budgetary planning and control.
Meet the Workshop faculty
Dr. PAKINSON is a qualified accountant (FCCA and ACMA) with a PhD in Education (Institute of Education-IOE, University of London) and an MA in Business (City University Business School, London). He is the Director of Studies in the Department of Management Science and Innovation at University College London (UCL), and Visiting Professor in Managerial Accounting on the SIMBA Program at Tongji University, Shanghai. In the past he has been Head of The Centre for Financial Management at The Open University Business School, Head of School of Accounting & Taxation at South Bank Polytechnic, and Director of Accounting Studies at Hatfield Polytechnic. Alan has a wealth of experience of real world finance issues and solutions and communicating them to managers.
Admissions and logistics
Dates: November 2-3 4, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (including lunch break)
Fees: 12,500 RMB (covers tuition, book, case materials and lunches)
Language: English (with Chinese translation)
Venue: Tongji University EDP Center, 1 ZhangwuLu, Shanghai
Deadline for registration: September 20, 2013.You should register as soon as possible heresince the number of participants is limited and demand is high.
Payment: No payment is due until you have received confirmation of your admission. Payment is due 15 days before the Workshop and refund in case of non-show is limited to 50% of the fees.
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