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IEDP Open-enrollment: Intrapreneurship: Corporate Entrepreneurship

Tue, Aug 20, 2013


Intrapreneurship: Corporate Entrepreneurship
What you can expect
Corporate entrepreneurship is a paradox. On one hand, large organisations tend towards a culture of risk aversion – which can often leads to an erosion of competitive performance. On the other hand, entrepreneurship is often associated with taking significant commercial risks that large organisations would balk at. This module seeks to confront this paradox and identify activities and practices that will enable larger organisations to support more entrepreneurial approaches to growing their business.
Corporate entrepreneurship can be seen to comprise of four stages of activity. 
1.      First, there is the Creativity required to generate a sufficiently robust and consistent flow of ideas from stakeholders in an open and supportive environment. 
2.      Second, processes must be put into place that permit the evaluation of the technical feasibility, commercial sustainability, and market potential of ideas. 
3.      The third role for corporate entrepreneurial leaders is to develop the small, but significant role of entrepreneurial champions that nurture new opportunities. 
4.      Finally, there is the ‘investment portfolio’ role that focuses on the role of organizational sponsors that provide additional resources, support and mentoring to maintain the pipeline.
Content of the Workshop
·        The four stages corporate entrepreneurship: Innovation, Gate keeping, Championing and Sponsoring
·        Knowledge issues for corporate entrepreneurs: Specialized knowledge, Multi-disciplinary knowledge and organizational knowledge.
·        Entrepreneurial skills set: Creativity, Cognitive Ability, Problem Solving, Team building, Leadership, and Communication
·        Entrepreneurial personality profile: Openness, Building Trust, Risk Awareness, Passion & Commitment, Tenacity
This module will examine the key skills and abilities required for leaders to develop an entrepreneurial bias in their organisations. We will examine case studies of how other organisations have created and maintained an entrepreneurial bias. In addition, we will evaluate a set of tools and techniques that can be used to support the development of an entrepreneurial pipeline. Finally, we will consider some of the organizational cultural issues that need to be addressed to create a robust entrepreneurial mind set.
Who can benefit most
The Workshop is intended for executives who want to fruitfully boost innovation or who decide about new projects: from CEOs, COOs, CFOs to general managers, divisional directors, functional VPs, head of government agencies, individual intrapreneurs or entrepreneurs. In other words any manager willing to learn the art of successfully seizing opportunities and acquiring competitive advantages.
Meet the Workshop faculty
Dr. Rosenfeld is an experienced educator and facilitator helping senior leaders in organizations define and implement strategies that deliver sustainable business value. A Canadian based in London, he travels extensively working with culturally diverse groups of organizational leaders as well as MBAs. Over the last few years, he has worked in more than 20 countries. Associate Fellow at Warwick Business School and University of Strathclyde, he also holds Visiting Professorships in several business schools in Europe and Asia. He is a member of the teaching faculty at Duke Corporate Education in the United States and European Centre for Executive Development (INSEAD) in France.
Admissions and logistics
Dates: October 20 and 21, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (including lunch break)
Fees: 9,000 RMB (covers tuition, case materials and lunches)
Language: English (with Chinese translation)
Venue: Tongji University EDP Center, 1 ZhangwuLu, Shanghai
Deadline for registration: September 10, 2013. You should register as soon as possible heresince the number of participants is limited and demand is high.
Payment: No payment is due until you have received confirmation of your admission. Payment is due 15 days before the Workshop and refund in case of non-show is limited to 50% of the fees.
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