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Director of International Business Programs, College of Business Administration, Marquette University Visits SEM, TONGJI

Thu, Sep 24, 2009

On September 24, 2009, Prof. Jamshid C. Hosseini, Director of International Business Programs, College of Business Administration, Marquette University, visits SEM, Tongji University. Prof. Jianwei WU, Vice Dean and Director of International Office of SEM, and Prof. Song CHEN, Director of SIMBA Program meet with Prof. Hosseini and reach preliminary agreement over possible collaboration on student exchange, and dual bachelor and master degree program
The bilateral MOU and Agreement of Student Exchange are expected to be signed within this year and the initial draft of double bachelor and master degree program will be formed in the coming year. Starting from fall 2010, both parties will send students to host universities. Credits of host universities will be transferred to home university and tuition will be waived for exchange students.
The College of Business Administration of Marquette University was established nearly 100 years ago The College was among the first 40 schools to earn accreditation by the Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business-International (AACSB) in 1928. Other notable members of that first accreditation class are Harvard University, Northwestern University, University of Chicago, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, University of Pennsylvania and University of Wisconsin.
Marquette University was founded in 1881, located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It is the biggest 4-year comprehensive private Catholic university in Wisconsin. In the latest Best US University Ranking in US News and World Report, it ranks 84.
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