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Double Master Degree Agreement signed between Politecnico Di Milano and SEM-TONGJI

Wed, Apr 28, 2010

On April 28th, 2010, Prof. Gang PEI, President of Tongji University, and Prof. Giulio Ballio, Rector of Politecnico Di Milano, signed Double Master Degree Agreement between School of Economics and Management, Tongji University (hereinafter SEM-Tongji), and Second School of Engineering, Politecnico Di Milano (hereinafter PdM). Prof. Jianwei WU, Vice Dean of SEM-Tongji was also present at this signing ceremony. Students who are enrolled in this Double Degree program will be awarded Master of Science from SEM-Tongji and PdM respectively upon fulfillment of the degree requirements of both parties.

In the afternoon, Dr. Haiyan WANG, Director of the international office of SEM and Mr. Ruiguang WANG from Sino-Italy campus also met with the guests, Rector Guilio Ballio, Prof. Giuliano Noci, Dr. Ilaria Fava and Ms. Maria Cristina Giurastante from PdM and Ms. Helene ZHANG, the Chief Representative China from Audencia Nantes Business School. On behalf of three parties – SEM-Tongji, PdM and Audencia Nantes, the participants discussed in details regarding the cooperation in the Sport Management EDP program. The three parties reached a good understanding among each other during the meeting which laid a solid foundation for potential long-term co-operation.

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