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The Delegation of University of Pretoria, South Africa Visits SEM, Tongji University

Thu, Sep 30, 2010


On Sep 28th, 2010, the delegation of University of Pretoria, South Africa and Professional Golfers Association (PGA), South Africa paid a visit to the School of Economics and Management (hereinafter referred to as “SEM”), Tongji University. The delegation members include Associate Prof. PE Kruger, Director of Institute for Sport Research of University of Pretoria, Mr Dennis Bruyns, Chief Executive of Professional Golfers Association (PGA), South Africa, Dr Lin Tu and Mr Eben Kleinsmith, Executive Director of People’s Academy of Golf (PAG), South Africa, Mr Tony Cunzio, Manager Director of Golf Course Construction and Management, and Mr Robbie Marshall, Executive of GOLF DATA. Also presented at the meeting are Mr Gang Zhu, Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Putuo Industry Investment Co.,Ltd and Mr Lihua Yin, Manager Director of Marketing Development Department. Fuan Jin, Chief Director of SEM, Tongji, Dr. Haiyan Wang, Director of International Office of SEM, Tongji and Mr Xianyi Gang, Director of Training Center of Golf Business School, Tongji met with the guests.

Jin, on behalf of SEM, extended warm welcome to the visiting delegation and briefed on our school in the fields of high-level education and international collaboration. Director Xianyi GANG made a detailed introduction concerning the characteristics of golf high-level professional teaching program, development of educational system and international collaboration mode of Tongji golf business school. The Delegation provided detailed introductions on the bachelor course mode of golf major, together with the golf education, in the University of Pretoria, then the guests introduced the Professional Golfers Association (PGA), South Africa, HPC Center and the role of GOLF DATA playing in Golf Education. Meanwhile, they proposed a plan to launch the PAG program in Shanghai Taopu Industrial Park. At last, both sides made a preliminary discussion concerning the possibility of future collaboration on golf management and golf course design.
As Golf shall become the sports event in 2016 Olympic Games, the golf talent cultivation and facilities construction management will be increasingly concerned.
The University of Pretoria, established in 1909, is a comprehensive university which includes schools of Economics and Management Sciences, Engineering, Health Sciences, Law and so on.


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