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PMRC 9th China Congress on Project Management Held Successfully

Thu, Dec 09, 2010

PMRC 9th China Congress on Project Management, organized by International Project Excellence Award (IPMA), and Project Management Research Committee China (PMRC), co-organized by School of Economics & Management, Tongji University, was held in Sino-French Center, Tongji University from December 4 to 5, 2010. The topic of this congress is “Project, the momentum of organizations and social development”. There were over 200 scholars and government leaders and experts attending the congress.

Mr. Fuming JIANG, Deputy Chief Director of Tongji University, was invited to attend the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Prof. Yun LE, Director of Department of Contraction Management and Real Estate, SEM, made a report named as “The 3-D Perspective and Its Function in Complex Project Management”. Prof. Qinghua HE, host of the Sub-forum of Project Management and Research, made a keynote speech on the Study of Project Management by Major Project Owners. Dr. Yunbo LU, from Department of Business Administration of SEM, hosted of the Sub-forum of Informatization of Project Management, and gave a report on Simulated Project Organization.

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