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Vice President of Lehigh University Visits Tongji

Thu, Jan 13, 2011

On the 12nd of January, the delegation of Lehigh University, led by Prof. Mohanned El-Aasser, Vice President for International Affairs, visited Tongji University. The delegation group includes Lehigh professors from College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business and Economics, College of Education, and College of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

In the afternoon, one-on-one meetings were held between Lehigh faculty and their counterparts in Tongji University. School of Economics and Management, Tongji University welcomed two guests, Prof. Paul Brockman from Department of Finance and Asscoiate Prof. Oliver YAO of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, from College of Business and Economics, Lehigh University. Prof. Weizhong CHEN, Director of Department of Economics and Finance, Associate Prof. Yongrui DUAN, Faculty from the Department of Management Science and Engineering, and Associate Prof. Haiyan WANG, Director of International Office of SEM joined the afternoon meeting. The two parties explored collaborative possibilities in mutual student and faculty exchange.
Lehigh University is ranked 37th in the newly released 2011“Guide to America’s Best Colleges,” by US News and World Report. Lehigh’s College of Business and Economics was ranked 27th best business college in the United State by 2010 Business Week and is accredited by the authoritative AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). 

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