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US Strategic Management Society and Tongji-HIT International Conference and Forum on Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Fri, Jun 08, 2012


SEM successfully held a 2-day US Strategic Management Society and Tongji-HIT (Harbin Institute of Technology) International Conference and Forum on Entrepreneurship and Innovation in late May in the international conference center in Zonghe Building Tongji University. The conference was hosted by Prof. SI Xiaofu, Director of Tongji’s Research Institute on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. The participating experts, scholars and postgraduates all gave high evaluation on the academic focus of this conference.
In the opening ceremony, Prof. JIANG Fuming, Vice President of Tongji University extended his warm welcome, on behalf of the university, to all the scholars in management and participants from around the world. Prof. Wright, President of US Stratigic Management Society, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Chapter, Chief Editor of Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Prof. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM, and Prof. LIANG Dapeng, Dean of HIT Management School all delivered speeches respectively. Other guests who also made brief speech were Prof. Garry Bruton, Chair of Asia Pacific Journal of Management American Academy of Management, Prof. QIN Zheng, Vice President of South University of Science and Technology of China, and Prof. ZHANG Yuli, Dean of Business School of Nankai University.
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal is an A-level academic management journal in the research field of international entrepreneurship and innovation. One year has been spent to form this special issue of SEJ featuring research on entrepreneurship and innovation in emerging economies. During the conference 6 papers were picked out of 90 high-quality papers. Heated discussion and communication followed regarding the most cutting edge research fruits on international entrepreneurship and innovation.
Tongji-HIT (Harbin Institute of Technology) Forum on Entrepreneurship and Innovation was held at the same time,. Many renowned scholars made wonderful key-note speeches during the forum, which include Prof. WU Zhaoyun, Vice President of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Prof. YE Qiang, Associate Dean of Management School of HIT, Prof. WEI Jiang from Zhejiang University, Prof. YANG Jun from Nankai University, Prof. FEI Yupeng from Jilin University, and many scholars from London, Boston, Texas, California and Hong Kong. Prof. CHEN Shouming, Deputy Dean of SEM, and Prof. YU Xiubao, faculty of SEM also joined the forum.
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