Home > School News > SEM Holds Seminar on Curriculum System of Bachelor, Master and PhD Programs

SEM Holds Seminar on Curriculum System of Bachelor, Master and PhD Programs

Thu, Jun 21, 2012


On the 15th of Jun, the Seminar on Curriculum System of Bachelor, Master and PhD Programs was held in Wujiang, Jiangsu Province. SEM’s deputy deans, Prof. RUAN Qingsong, Prof. CHEN Shouming, and Prof. CHEN Song, together with specialty programs directors, course teaching group coordinators, and school’s international accreditation office participated the meeting.
Prof. CHEN Song, Deputy Dean of SEM introduced the strategy, the latest development and accreditation progress of SEM. Prof. RUAN, Qingsong raised requirements on the program education plan and course syllabi. It is emphasized during the meeting that resources should be pull together to focus on the development of the three disciplines, namely urban management, service science and project management. It is also mentioned that we should focus on the cultivation of talents with engineering background. In addition, sustainability and internationalization should be integrated into the curriculum system.
Specialty Program Directors of Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD Programs, Course Teaching Group Members, and faculty representatives carried out discussion regarding the contents and learning outcomes of the curriculum system, education plans, and course syllabi. Corresponding action plans have been worked out to implement the improvements.
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