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2012 9th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management Held in SEM

Tue, Jul 17, 2012


From the 2nd to 4th of July, 2012, the 9th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, hereby after referred as ICSSSM12, was held in SEM. ICSSSM12 was organized by ISSS SMC, Tongji University, and TsinghuaUniversity, co-organized by School of Economics and Management, and sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC). Coming all the way from US, UK, Swiss, Finland, Japan and ect, more than one hundred scholars and companies representatives from twelve countries and districts participated in ICSSSM12.

At the opening ceremony, on behalf of Tongji University and SEM, Mr. MA Jingming, Deputy Director of Tongji, and Mr. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM made welcome speech respectively. Prof. CHEN Jianzhou from TsinghuaUniversity, as the Chairman of ICSSSM12, also extended his welcome remark and delivered a key note speech for the morning session.

The subject of ICSSSM12 is about service industry, with 37 venues for seminars and conferences simultaneously. Meanwhile, ICSSSM12 invited four well-known scholars for speeches. Dr, Prof. James M. TIEN, Dean of College of Engineering of University of Miami, made a report on “The Next Industrial Revolution: Integrated Services and Goods”, Dr. Prof. Chung P TEO from National University of Singapore, deliver a speech on “Management of Shared Service Systems: Challenges and Opportunities”; Dr. YU Gang, Chair of the Board of YIHAODIAN, focused his subject on “Customer Experience: The Key to Success in E-commerce”; Prof. JIA Jianmin, from Hongkong University talked about “Mobile Social Network and Telecom Services” as his topic.

ICSSSM is focusing on emerging service science in the 21th century. The main purpose of ICSSSM is to provide a platform for researchers, scholars, practitioners and government officials involved in general areas of service systems and service management to disseminate their latest research results, as well as to exchange views on the future research directions.

ICSSSM13 will be held Chinese University of Hong Kong.

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