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2012 4th Advisory Committee Meeting Successfully Held in SEM

Sun, Sep 23, 2012


On Sept 22nd, 2012, the Fourth Advisory Committee Meeting was held successfully in Yuntong Building, School of Economics and Management (hereinafter referred to as SEM). Present at the meeting are members: Prof. WU Qidi, Member of Committee of Education, Science, Culture, Health and Sports, National People’s Congress, China and Former Minister of Chinese Ministry of Education; Mr. Thomas Sattelberger, Chief Human Resources Officer, Director of Labor and Member of Management Board, Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany; Prof. Michael Luger, Director of Manchester Business School, UK; Dr. Amir Reza as representative of Prof. Dennis Hanno, Dean of Postgraduate School, and Vice Provost of Babson College, US; Prof. GUO Chongqing, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering; Prof. ZHOU Zhen, Former Vice Director of the United Front Work Department of Shanghai; Mr. GAO Yan, Senior Vice President of Siemens Ltd. China Shanghai Branch; and Mr. GU Feng, CFO & Executive Director of Capital Operation Dept., Saic Motor Co., Ltd., and Prof. HUANG Yuxiang, Former Dean of SEM and Director of the Advisory Committee. Prof. ZHOU Zuyi, Chairman of University Council, and Prof. JIANG Fuming, Vice Chairman of University Council also attended the meeting together with Prof. Anders Aspling, SEM’s advisory professor and the management team from SEM.

Prof. HUANG, Director of the Committee, presided the meeting. Prof. ZHOU Zuyi, Chairman of University Council extended warm welcome and gratitude to all the members on behalf of Tongji University. Prof. HUO Jiazhen reviewed the development of SEM during the past one year, reported SEM’s improvement on several aspects mentioned by the committee last year, and proposed the plans for future development in the coming 5 years. In the afternoon, panel discussion was held focusing on topics of “How Could Business Schools Improve Services to Students?”, “How Could Business Schools Improve Services and Contributions to Community?”, and “How Could Bring it into Full Play–the Cooperation btw Schools and Corporate?” The committee suggests that SEM should stick to Tongji’s disciplinary strength, and continue exploring in the school’s disciplinary strengths of Engineering Management, Urban Management and Service Science. Drawing on its geographical advantage, SEM should continue development in attracting international students, establishing scientific research cooperation, and building up connections with corporate. In particular, this time domestic and foreign student representatives of various programs as undergraduate, postgraduate, MBA and EMBA programs were invited to join the panel discussion of the first aforementioned theme, a good representation of SEM’s core values of openness and inclusion.

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