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SEM Professor Committee Held to Discuss Curriculum Development and Scientific Research

Fri, Oct 19, 2012


From October 12th to October 14th, SEM Professor Committee was held to discuss the development of curriculum and scientific research. 37 professors participated in the meeting, chaired by the deputy chairman of the Professor Committee of SEM, Dr. ZHU Dajian, Dean Dr. HUO Jiazhen, Vice Dean Dr. HAN Chuanfeng, and Dr. WANG Guangbin attending it.

In the meeting, Dr. HUO Jiazhen made an opening speech and stressed that professors were pioneers among the faculties, and should unite and make joint efforts to contribute to the development of curriculum and scientific research. Then, the professors present launched a heated discussion about some critical issues, such as talent introduction, curriculum planning, the use of funds, establishment of academic bases, the development of institutions, etc.

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