Home > School News > SEM Table Tennis Team Wins the Fourth Prize in the University Faculty Pingpong Tournament

SEM Table Tennis Team Wins the Fourth Prize in the University Faculty Pingpong Tournament

Wed, Nov 21, 2012


On Nov.16, the University Faculty Table Tennis Tournament, which lasted for more than half a month, came to an end. Our school’s faculty Table Tennis Team presented high-level performance and beat several competitive rivals in the games. Eventually our team won the fourth in this tournament.

During the game, our representative team, with team members including HUANG Baoru, FU Shijie, ZHU Maoran, LIU Yili, XU Zhiquan, WANG Xuyu and ZHANG Yanxia, presented the striving and team-work spirit. In the first group round robin, our team advanced from the group as the seed team. Then in the Elimination Game, our team screwed up and defeated the Library Team and Foreign Language School Team, thus advanced to the semi-final. Successively, in the fiercely competitive semi-final game, our team showed great performance and captured the fourth finally.

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