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Tongji IEDP Debut on Agricultural Entrepreneurship

Thu, May 09, 2013

The first seminar organized by International EDP (IEDP) of the School of Economics and Management was conducted successfully from April 21-26 at Tongji University Siping campus. Both Chinese and Israeli experts in agriculture covered such topics as agro-policy and market, entrepreneurship and agro-science and technology during the seminar.

The Participants were provosts and rectors from the agricultural and fishery colleges of Nigeria, as well as venture capitalists in Nigeria. After the seminar activities, they also visited the bio-agriculture model base in rural Shanghai.

As the most populous nation in Africa with rich oil reserves, Nigeria is endeavoring to construct its economy by encouragement of the agriculture sector and to achieve a balanced development. Chinese agriculture reform pioneered the open door schemes at the initial stage and greatly enhanced the productivity, freed labor force in the rural area and laid solid ground for the development of the Chinese secondary and tertiary sectors. Eventually, China enjoyed overall consistent and sustainable social development. These have left on the Nigerian participants a deep impression.

The above-mentioned program is the first program to help African countries in their agriculture development. The Nigerian partners are satisfied with the program and agreed to seek further cooperation with Tongji-IEDP in the field of tertiary university management and financial innovation management. 

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