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Tongji MBA Football Club Hosts a Public Football Match

Thu, May 16, 2013

On May 12th, 2013, the fifth anniversary of the Wenchuan Earthquake, a football match featuring “In memory of Wenchuan, Prayer for Ya’an” was held between Tongji MBA football club and Tongji EMBA football club on Siping Campus. There were nearly 100 audience including faculties, alumni and students. In addition, 100 T-shirts were sold on site and the total revenue was donated to Ya’an.


Before the match, all rose and stood in silence tribute for  one minute silence in memory of the deceased in the earthquake. At half-time, the players read the poem Inseparable, in Life or Death, praying for the dead and blessing for the living.


As one of the preludes of the 20th Anniversary of Tongji MBA program, this match gained  great success with good social benefits. Some alumni who were not available to participate, also ordered the T-shirts by phone directly, showing their support for this match.

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