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Prof. Jorgen Randers, Well-known Scholar of Environmental Strategy, Visit SEM

Thu, Sep 26, 2013

 On the 24th of September, invited by Prof. ZHU Dajian of SEM, the world well-known scholar of environmental strategy, Prof. Jorgen Randers, visited SEM. Jorgen Randers is the author of the new book, 2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years (2012), a fresh perspective on humanity’s immediate future— or possible futures— with particular emphasis on the impact of global warming, pollution, water scarcity, food shortages, and the collapse of the fossil fuel economy. The book was written as a 40-year update to the global bestseller, The Limits to Growth, coauthored by Randers in 1972, and as a special report to the global brain trust, The Club of Rome, of which Randers is a member.

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