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2013 5th Advisory Committee Meeting Successfully Held in SEM

Mon, Oct 14, 2013

 On Oct 12th, 2013, the Fifth Advisory Committee Meeting was held successfully at the School of Economics and Management (hereinafter referred to as SEM). Present at the meeting are members: Prof. ZHAO Wen, Vice Mayor of Shanghai and Adjunct Professor of Tongji University, Prof. WU Qidi, Director of Department of Management Science, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Former Member of Committee of Education, Science, Culture, Health and Sports, National People’s Congress, Former President of Tongji University; Prof. Dennis Hanno, Provost and Senior Vice President of Babson College, US;  Mr. Thomas Sattelberger, Chief Human Resources Officer, Director of Labor and Member of Management Board, Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany; Prof. Michael Luger, Director of Manchester Business School, UK; Mr. GU Feng, CFO & Executive Director of Capital Operation Dept., Saic Motor Co., Ltd.; and Ms SHEN Kai, Government Affair Manager as representative of Mr. SHEN Xuejun, Senior Vice President of Siemens Ltd. China Shanghai Branch, and Prof. HUANG Yuxiang, Former Dean of SEM and Director of the Advisory Committee. Prof. ZHOU Zuyi, Chairman of University Council, and Prof. WU Zhiqiang, Vice President of Tongji University also attended the meeting together with SEM’s advisory professors, Prof. Jerome Bon, Prof. Anders Aspling, Prof. Chalom Schirman and the management team from SEM.

Prof. HUANG, Director of the Committee, presided the meeting. Prof. ZHOU Zuyi, Chairman of University Council extended warm welcome and gratitude to all the members on behalf of Tongji University. Prof. Zhou gave full recognition to SEM’s work in international accreditation, and alumni association in the past few years and extended hopes that advisory members could provide more and better inputs to the development of SEM. Prof. HUO Jiazhen reviewed the development of SEM during the past one year, reported SEM’s improvement on student service, social and community service, alumni and corporate work, and internationalization of faculty and students, which were mentioned by the committee and student representatives last year, and proposed SEM’s vision in the future. 
In the afternoon, panel discussion was held focusing on topics of “Reform on Academic Curricula of Business Schools”, “How Could Business Schools Improve its Executive Development Program?”. The committee members think SEM has achieved many breakthroughs in various aspects as in internationalization, faculty development, talents cultivation and innovation, and school’s management level through the domestic and international accreditations in the past few years and has now ranked among the top business schools in China. The committee suggests that if SEM would like to become a first-class business school in the world, she should differ in her development by applying her own characteristics and strengths to continue explore in areas of engineering management, urban management and service science. SEM’s brand name should be further promoted by utilizing the geographical advantage to attract more international students, establish cooperation in scientific research and explore corporate connection. Moreover, research should be further strengthened on the issues of management in China, and further its internationalization by collaborating with first-class business schools in the world.
Same as last year, Chinese and international student representatives of Undergraduate, Graduate, MBA and EMBA programs have also been invited to join the meeting to extend their opinions on “Reform on Academic Curricula of Business Schools”. In 2013, SEM’s Student Committee would be formally launched to establish a communicative platform between students and the school to learn the suggestions and needs from students and to provide better services for the students.
The Advisory Committee of SEM, Tongji University was founded in 2009. Its members is comprised of influential government officers, entrepreneurs, presidents of universities, deans, experts and professors renowned in the field of economics and management both home and abroad. The Advisory Committee Meeting is held once a year. Its main function is to provide consultations on crucial decision-making for SEM’s medium-long term development planning, and offer propositions for SEM’s developing strategy.
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