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Tongji MBA Program Ranked Top 10 in the Global EMBA Program by Financial Times

Thu, Nov 07, 2013

 Shanghai International MBA (SIMBA) of Tongji University is ranked top 10 in the Salary Increase of average alumni salary before the EMBA to three years after graduation by 2013 Financial Times release.


In this latest ranking, the top ranking goes to Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, US. Director of SIMBA Program further elaborates, the MBA ranking overseas usually only includes Full-time MBA program, while part-time SIMBA program could only be ranked in the part-time EMBA program ranking. In fact, SIMBA program is very appropriate for medium-level management employees in the company. The program is co-operated by Tongji University and ENPC, France. In the newly launched class, 16% of the students are international, and 70% of the faculties are from US, UK, France and other European countries. All the courses in this program are taught in English.


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