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2013 UTA-Tongji EMBA Graduation ceremony and Opening ceremony of was held at SEM

Tue, Dec 03, 2013

On November 24th, 2013 UTA-Tongji EMBA Program graduation ceremony and opening ceremony of was held at Yuntong Building of Tongji SEM. The Vice Dean of University of Texus at Arlington and the global center for executive director Professor Daniel Himarios and Dean of the School of Economics and Management Tongji University Prof. HUO Jiazhen attended this ceremony. Hundreds of graduates and new students of UTA-Tongji EMBA program participated in the ceremony, as well as their friends and families.


Dean HUO Jiazhen and Dr Daniel Himarios had delivered speeches at the beginning. They fully affirmed the achievements of UTA-Tongji EMBA program and gave their congratulations and high expectations to the graduates, encouraging them to have higher careers and goals in life. Prof. Daniel Himarios warmly welcomed new UTA-Tongji EMBA students, wishing them to cherish this precious opportunity. Then representative of graduated students express their gratitude to the teachers and the university, and new students expressed the proud to be a member of UTA-Tongji EMBA.


UTA-Tongji EMBA program was formally approved by the State Education Commission (Ministry of Education) in 2002, sponsored by the school of economics and Management School of Tongji University and UTA. So far, 13 classes has established and more than 700 students has been recruited from the field of enterprise management. All courses are teaching in English by senior professors from either Tongji or UTA with strong academic achievements and rich globalization of business management experience, and graduate degrees were obtained Certification form the Ministry of Education.


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