Home > School News > Press Conference of 2013 Blue Book on China Industrial Park Sustainable Development Held at Tongji University

Press Conference of 2013 Blue Book on China Industrial Park Sustainable Development Held at Tongji University

Thu, Jan 02, 2014


It is reported by China Economic Net, Shanghai, on Dec.30: “press conference of 2013 Blue Book on China Industrial Park Sustainable Development, which is China’s top 100 industrial park ranking list” was held at Tongji University. Prof. JIANG Bo, Vice President of Tongji University, Prof. HUO Jianzhen, Dean of SEM, Tongji, Prof. REN Hao, Dean of Development Research Institute of Tongji University presented at the meeting. Prof. HUO Jiazhen announced China’s top 100 industrial parks ranking list.
Prof. JIANG Bo, Vice President of Tongji University, delivered the speech in the meeting. The sustainable development index report of China Industrial park is the beginning of research and guide of China industrial park development, indicating that Tongji University is going to make active contributions to the comprehensive development of China Industrial Park.

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