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Exchange Agreement Signed between W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, USA and Tongji SEM

Mon, Oct 13, 2014


On the afternoon of Oct. 11th, Exchange Agreement on Academic Cooperation has been signed between W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, USA and Tongji SEM. From fall semester of 2015, the two schools will initiate students exchange program on undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Credits will be transferred and tuitions be waived under this exchange program.
In July 2014, a General Collaboration Agreement was signed between Tongji University and Arizona State University. Under this general agreement, W.P. Carey School of Business, ASU and Tongji SEM goes further into agreement addressing areas of student exchange. The two business schools continued their dialogues actively for over one year via visits and on-line video conferences and reached the final agreement, which provides solid foundation for future cooperation in the development of double degree programs. Dr. Ajay Vinze’s was invited by SEM to attend the 2014 International Business School Dean’s Workshop hosted by Tongji SEM.
Arizona State University is the biggest and youngest comprehensive university in the US. In the  2014 U.S. News & World Report, W.P. Carey School of Business, ASU has been ranked 27th in the US, and its supply chain management and information management system are ranked 3rd and 15th respectively. In addition, public policy and sustainability development are also ASU’s strong areas and have been ranked among the top in the US.
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