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Quality Improvement Committee of Manchester Business School Visits Tongji SEM

Mon, Apr 27, 2015


On the 21st and 22nd of April, Quality improvement committee of Manchester Business School, led by Prof. Kersti Börjars, MBS Vice President, visited Tongji SEM. The main purpose of the visit is to evaluate the academic quality of Tongji-Manchester Double Degree MBA program. Prof. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM, Prof. SHI Qian, Assistant Dean, Mr. XU Guodong, Director of MBA Program, and Ms. XU Qin, Director of Tongji-Manchester Double Degree MBA program, met with the delegation.
The group firstly paid a visit to SEM historical gallery and newly built classrooms in Tongji building A. Dean HUO introduced the latest development of internationalization. Prof. SHI briefed SEM scientific research and academic areas. Enrollment of the double degree program was reviewed by each other.
The MBA program of MBS is continuously ranked top globally, as the 5th in UK, the 12th in European and the 34th in the world by Financial Time 2014 MBA ranking list. The graduates will be rewarded with Tongji MBA Degree as well as MBS MBA Degree after they finish all the exams and pass Tongji graduation thesis defense.

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