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Relational Contracts in Usage-Based Insurance 2023-10-26
Relational Contracts in Usage-Based Insurance

演讲人:陆卓然(复旦大学管理学院 助理教授) 时间:2023年10月31日(周二)12:00-13:00 地点:同济大厦A楼505室 同步#腾讯会议:543801133 会议密码:322999 链接:https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/OX6AKydoM9o...

(1)Smart City Digital Twins: Toward More Sustainable, Resilient, and Livable Cities  (2)Human Mobility and Urban Resilience 2023-10-26
(1)Smart City Digital Twins: Toward More Sustainable, Resilient, and Livable Cities (2)Human Mobility and Urban Resilience

讲座主题: (1)Smart City Digital Twins: Toward More Sustainable, Resilient, and Livable Cities (2)Human Mobility and Urban Resilience 讲座嘉宾: John E. Taylor, PhD, NAC Frederick Law Olmsted P...

Ally or Fade Away: Supplier-Complementor Alliances and Membership Duration in Apple’s Global Ecosystem 2023-10-21
Ally or Fade Away: Supplier-Complementor Alliances and Membership Duration in Apple’s Global Ecosystem

Ally or Fade Away: Supplier-Complementor Alliances and Membership Duration in Apple’s Global Ecosystem Guest Speaker: Prof. Sali LI (李卅立) University of South Carolina Time/Date: 10 am, Oct...

Tokenized Ownership in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations 2023-10-19
Tokenized Ownership in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

演讲人: 陈琨,副教授,南方科技大学 时间: 2023年10月24日下午14:00-15:00 地点: 同济大厦A308教室 腾讯会议(线上同步) 会议号:561 320 795 会议密码: 245476 讲座摘要: Decentralized autonomous organizat...

Fiscal and Monetary Policy Interactions in a Model with Low Interest Rates 2023-10-13
Fiscal and Monetary Policy Interactions in a Model with Low Interest Rates

演讲人:苏东灵(上海财经大学 助理教授) 时间:2023年10月17日(周二)12:00-13:00 地点:同济大厦A楼505室 同步#腾讯会议:141732337 会议密码:323167 链接:https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/nAkJCpPMNBHU 摘...

Disentangling the Influence of Community Pressure  on Trading Behavior and Profitability on Social Trading Platform 2023-10-11
Disentangling the Influence of Community Pressure on Trading Behavior and Profitability on Social Trading Platform

演讲人: 蔡昭副教授,宁波诺丁汉大学 时间: 2023年10月11日下午14:00-15:00 地点: 同济大厦A楼403教室 腾讯会议(线上同步) 会议号:823 564 733 会议密码:255615 讲座摘要: Amateur investors have increasing...

Shadow banking of non-financial firms: Arbitrage between formal and informal credit markets in China 2023-09-25
Shadow banking of non-financial firms: Arbitrage between formal and informal credit markets in China

演讲人:李嫦(华东师范大学经济与管理学院 副教授) 时间:2023年9月26日(周二)12:00-13:00 地点:同济大厦A楼505室 同步#腾讯会议:222893774 会议密码:298891 参会链接:https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/nB...

Large Language Models for Management Research 2023-09-21
Large Language Models for Management Research

[管理高等研究院学术研讨会] Large Language Models for Management Research 如何在经济管理研究里运用大型语言模型(LLM) Guest Speaker: Prof. Wu, Jing (吴靖) Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Time...

Non-Additivity of Subjective Expectations over Different Time Intervals 2023-09-18
Non-Additivity of Subjective Expectations over Different Time Intervals

演讲人:孙晨(柏林洪堡大学 研究员) 时间:2023年9月19日(周二)12:00-13:00 地点:同济大厦A楼505室 同步#腾讯会议:311845381 会议密码:722850 参会链接:https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/zVCOfytVczuj 摘...

Be Innovative or Ethical? Sustainable Human Resource Management Practices, Trust in Organization, and (Un)Desired Employee Behaviors 2023-09-15
Be Innovative or Ethical? Sustainable Human Resource Management Practices, Trust in Organization, and (Un)Desired Employee Behaviors

演讲人: Dr Ying (Candy) Lu, Macquarie University 时间:2023年9月22日 10:00 地点:同济大厦A楼502教室 演讲摘要: Amid growing interest in integrating sustainability and corporate social responsibilit...

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