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Discussion of Engineering Education Combining Production, Education, and Research:  Status and Application of Machine Learning and Digital Twins in Industrial Projects 2023-06-08
Discussion of Engineering Education Combining Production, Education, and Research: Status and Application of Machine Learning and Digital Twins in Industrial Projects

Guest Speaker: Prof. Haiyan Xie (Illinois State University) Time/Date: 10 am Monday 12th, June 2023 Classroom: Room 402, Tongji Building A ABSTRACT | 摘要 Machine learning plays a vital role in ind...

Incentivizing Mass Creativity: An Empirical Study of the Online Publishing Market 2023-05-24
Incentivizing Mass Creativity: An Empirical Study of the Online Publishing Market

Guest Speaker: Dr. Xiaolin Li (The London School of Economics and Political Science) Time/Date: 10 am Tuesday 6th, June 2023 Classroom: Room 2101, Tongji Building A ABSTRACT This paper examines the...

Pandemic Attributes and Location Avoidance of Firm Acquisitions 2023-05-24
Pandemic Attributes and Location Avoidance of Firm Acquisitions

Guest Speaker: Prof. Jun XIA (University of Texas at Dallas) Time/Date: 2 pm Saturday 3rd, June 2023 Classroom: Room 2101, Tongji Building A ABSTRACT From a threat avoidance perspective, this study...

“Better Than I Expected” Is Not As Informative As You Might Expect: When and Why Comparative Reviews Are (Un)Helpful 2023-05-24
“Better Than I Expected” Is Not As Informative As You Might Expect: When and Why Comparative Reviews Are (Un)Helpful

Guest Speaker: Dr. Y. Charles Zhang (University of California, Riverside) Time/Date: 10 am Thursday 25th, May 2023 Classroom: Room 2101, Tongji Building A ABSTRACT Comparatives, such as more, bette...

Haste Makes Waste? Quantity-Based Subsidies under Heterogeneous Innovations 2023-05-22
Haste Makes Waste? Quantity-Based Subsidies under Heterogeneous Innovations

Haste Makes Waste? Quantity-Based Subsidies under Heterogeneous Innovations Speaker: 曹林谊(上海财经大学高等研究院 助理教授) Time/Date: 2023年5月23日(周二)12:00-13:00 Classroom:同济大厦A楼505...

Welcome to the project society 2023-04-20
Welcome to the project society

Speaker: Martina Huemann, Professor at the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Project Management and the Project Leadership and Society ...

Is information risk priced? New evidence from outer space 2023-04-18
Is information risk priced? New evidence from outer space

Speaker: 王玉东 (南京理工大学经济与管理学院 教授) Time/Date: 2023年4月18日(周二)12:00-13:00 ABSTRACT: Satellite images of the parking lots of US retail firms provide information about the firm...

Alternative Data, Shareholder Monitoring, and Dividend Policy 2023-04-03
Alternative Data, Shareholder Monitoring, and Dividend Policy

Speaker: 刘悦(清华大学五道口金融学院 副教授) Time/Date: 2023年4月3日(周一)12:00-13:00 Classroom: 同济大厦A楼505室 ABSTRACT: Using staggered release of real-time satellite data of retail firms’...

Ecosystem strategy, demand-side dynamics and RBV 2023-03-27
Ecosystem strategy, demand-side dynamics and RBV

Speaker: 石先蔚,上海交通大学安泰经管学院 Time/Date: 2023年3月29日 13:30-15:00 Classroom: 同济大厦A楼505教室 ABSTRACT: While superior supply-side resources can lead to a competitive advantage, we ...

Looking into the future: What can we learn from Sci-Fi movies and ChatGPT 2023-03-27
Looking into the future: What can we learn from Sci-Fi movies and ChatGPT

Guest Speaker: Prof. Zhaoli SONG (National University of Singapore) Time/Date: 9 am Wednesday 29 March 2023 Classroom: Room 2101, Tongji Building A ABSTRACT The world is experiencing dramatical cha...

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