Home > PROGRAMS > Undergraduate > Bachelor of Management Science > Logistics


The four-year undergraduate education of logistics management in Tongji SEM is oriented towards fostering logistics management talents with social responsibilities and international visions, and focuses on cultivating senior professionals and innovative talents who could firmly grasp theories and methods in modern logistics management and logistics engineering and could understand how to apply information technology, accounting, finance, laws and information management in modern enterprise practices. At present, it has a complete disciplinary system from undergraduate to master’s and doctoral degrees. Relying on the support of a number of national, provincial and ministerial-level key projects, this major has accumulated rich research results in the fields of supply chain management, service operation management, and logistics system planning. The first-level discipline “Management Science and Engineering” ranks A+ in the fourth round of evaluation by the National Ministry of Education. Graduates can work in the field of logistics industry planning, logistics management or logistics operations in national regulatory authorities, transport companies, logistics enterprises, business enterprises and so on.

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