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MOU Signed between SAP and SEM 2016-07-07
MOU Signed between SAP and SEM

SEM has signed an MOU with SAP, a global leading enterprise software solution provider, in June, 2016. The signing of MOU shows the commitment of both parties in their mutual cooperation, and will ...

SEM Successfully Hosted the 3rd China Logistics Day of Kuehne Foundation 2016-06-14
SEM Successfully Hosted the 3rd China Logistics Day of Kuehne Foundation

On June 13, 2016, more than 250 people from industry, academic and public service attend the 3rd Kuehne Foundation China Logistics Day in School of Economy and Management at Tongji University explo...

SEM Hosts 2016 Shanghai Study Trip for Undergraduate Delegation of Case Western Reserve University 2016-05-26
SEM Hosts 2016 Shanghai Study Trip for Undergraduate Delegation of Case Western Reserve University

From May 9th to 20th, 2016, a delegation of 15 undergraduates from Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University attended a 2-week Shanghai Study Trip hosted by SEM, Tongji Univ...

SEM Successfully Hosted 2016 Doing Business in China Workshop for ESSEC & MANNHEIM EMBA Delegation 2016-05-26
SEM Successfully Hosted 2016 Doing Business in China Workshop for ESSEC & MANNHEIM EMBA Delegation

“China is no longer the world factory; China is a strong competitor deserving to be respected” In the past, many foreign investors are attracted by the Chinese cheap labor cost; now, the advantage ...

Chinese Bridge, Chinese Sentiment 2016-05-13
Chinese Bridge, Chinese Sentiment

 On May 11th, the Chinese Bridge held by the international department came off successfully in the building of SEM of Tongji university. Although we had different languages, we came from different ...

Tongji SEM Successfully Accredited by AACSB 2016-04-14
Tongji SEM Successfully Accredited by AACSB

On April 14th, Tongji SEM was officially informed by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) that SEM has earned the AACSB accreditation, another international accreditati...

Eight Tongji SEM Students Awarded with French Eiffel Excellence Scholarship 2016-03-28
Eight Tongji SEM Students Awarded with French Eiffel Excellence Scholarship

Great news from SEM’s partners in France, eight SEM students have been awarded with French Eiffel Excellence Scholarship by French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Seven students are from Double Degree...

Top Entrepreneurship Course by Babson College to Tongji MBA Students 2016-03-21
Top Entrepreneurship Course by Babson College to Tongji MBA Students

From March 15 to April 3, Tongji MBA center collaborate with Babson College to deliver Entrepreneurship by online and face-to-face courses. Fourth MBA students are selected from Tongji-Manchester D...

Ice Breaking Meeting of Buddy Program at the New Semester 2016-03-20
Ice Breaking Meeting of Buddy Program at the New Semester

On March 6th,the Buddy Program held by the international department came off successfully in the building of SEM of Tongji university. Intnational students and local Chinese students don’t have hus...

Opening Ceremony of TONGJI-MANNHEIM EMBA Program Held in Tongji SEM 2016-03-20
Opening Ceremony of TONGJI-MANNHEIM EMBA Program Held in Tongji SEM

On the 12th of March, 2016 TONGJI & MANNHEIM EMBA Program was officially launched in SEM, Tongji University. The Executive part-time English-taught MBA Program has been jointly created by Mannh...

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