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Management Science and Engineering

Management Science and Engineering is a first-level discipline in management science category. It comprehensively utilizes system science, management science, mathematics, economics, behavioral science and engineering methods to solve management issues in social, economic and engineering area with the combination of information technology.

Being formerly named as “Construction Engineering Economics and Organization” and founded in 1956, the discipline of Management Science and Engineering was authorized to confer master’s degrees from 1979. It was elected as Shanghai Municipal Key Program in 2007, and ranked A+ (No.1 nationwide) in the fourth round of evaluation conducted by the National Ministry of Education.


Academic graduate students should complete at least 30 credits, including 6 credits for public degree courses, 12 credits for professional degree courses, 8 credits for non-degree courses (including at least 1 inter-college or interdisciplinary course with 2 credits), and 4 credits for compulsory courses.


Course Category Course Code Course Name Credits Hours Notes
Common Course 2090268 German as Foreign Language 3 72 Elective
2090270 First Foreign Language(Japanese) 3 72 Elective
2090272 First Foreign Language(Russian) 3 72 Elective
2090273 First Foreign Language (French) 3 72 Elective
2090305 Literature Reading and Translation 1 36 Elective
2090306 Academic English Writing II 1 36 Elective
2090307 Seminar on Chinese Culture in the New Era II 1 36 Elective
2090308 Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking II 1 36 Elective
2130297 First Foreign Language ( German )1 1 144 Elective
2130298 First Foreign Language ( German )2 1 144 Elective
2260005 Research on the Theory and Practice of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 2 36 Compulsory
2260006 Introduction to Dialectics of Nature 1 18 Compulsory
2300001 Chinese Language 3 72 Elective
2900006 A General View of China 3 54 Elective
Core Course 1040081 Frontier of City Development and Management 2 36 Elective
1040082 Front Issues in Construction Management 2 36 Elective
1040087 Game Theory 2 36 Elective
1040090 Research Methodology for Management 2 36 Elective
1040098 The Economics of Sustainable Development Research 2 36 Elective
1040109 Optimization Theory and Methodology 3 54 Elective
1040120  Scientific Quality and Technology Economics 2 36 Elective
1040125 Multivariate Statistical Analysis 3 54 Elective
1040127 Service Operations Management 1 18 Elective
1040137 Business Intelligence and DSS 1 18 Elective
1040141 Advanced Microeconomics I 3 54 Elective
2040004 Advanced Operations Research 3 54 Elective
2040204 Advanced Applied Statistics 3 54 Elective
2040206 Management Information System(II) 3 54 Elective
2040216 Advanced Management 2 36 Elective
2040258 Research Methodology for Management 1 18 Elective
2040292 Applied Statistics 3 54 Elective
2040314 Business Research Methods 2 36 Elective
Elective Course 1040112 Stochastic Programming 2 36 Elective
1040124 Supply Chain Design and Management 1 18 Elective
1040126 Virtual Design and Construction 2 36 Elective
1040128  Policy and Case Study of Technology Transfer 2 36 Elective
1040138 Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management 1 18 Elective
1040139 Production Scheduling Management 1 18 Elective
1040143 Internet Thinking and Business Analytics Based on Big Data 1 18 Elective
1040149 Network Modelling and Optimization 2 36 Elective
1040150 Business Data Analysis with Python 2 36 Elective
1040151 Quality Management: Theories and Methods 2 36 Elective
1040153 Innovation Management: Theory and Method 2 36 Elective
1040154 Stochastic Processes 2 36 Elective
2040100 Regional Development Planning 2 36 Elective
2040177 Econometrics 2 36 Elective
2040179 Land Evaluation and Utility Distribution 2 36 Elective
2040180 Real Estate Investment and Policy 2 36 Elective
2040199 Management Modeling & Simulation 2 36 Elective
2040218 Operations Management 2 36 Elective
2040220 Project Management 2 36 Elective
2040246 Production Scheduling Management 1 18 Elective
2040247 Optimization Algorithms for Management 1 18 Elective
2040259 Business Intelligence 2 36 Elective
2040260 Service Operation Management 1 18 Elective
2040261 Innovation Management 1 18 Elective
2040262 Quality Management 1 18 Elective
2040264 Logistics and Supply Chain 1 18 Elective
2040270 Project Risk Management 2 36 Elective
2040271 Construction Project Planning and Management in Design Phase 2 36 Elective
2040273 Emergency Management 2 36 Elective
2040274 Green Building and Sustainable Construction 1 18 Elective
2040275 Value Engineering 1 18 Elective
2040276 Organization Theory 2 36 Elective
2040278 System Engineering Theory and Methods 2 36 Elective
2040312 Urban and Real Estate Development in China 2 36 Elective
2040313 Logistics and Supply Chain Management in China 2 36 Elective
2040333 Conducting Business in China 1 18 Elective
2040373 eCommerce 2 36 Elective
2040374 Deep Learning 1 18 Elective
2040375 International Management 2 36 Elective
2040376 Logistics Systems 2 36 Elective
2040377 Strategic Procurement 2 36 Elective
2090269 Second Foreign Language(German) 2 36 Elective
2090271 Second Foreign Language(Japanese) 2 36 Elective
2130028 Specialty Foreign Language 2 72 Elective
Compulsories 2900011 Academic Conduct Norms 1 0 Compulsory
2900012 Academic Lectures 2 36 Compulsory
2900013 Mid-term Evaluation 0 0 Compulsory
2900016 Thesis Proposal 1 0 Compulsory
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